Trickster's Ownership Manual for Status as Human Being
You have been issued a body. Like it or not it is yours for the duration of this program.
You are here to learn some lessons as a full-time enrollee of the school of life. Attendance is mandatory. The lessons will be presented whether you choose to learn them or not, and whether you find them relevant or not.
Personal Growth is the process of doing one’s best to meet the challenge of each lesson presented. There is no failure, only learning experiences, with outcomes of greater or lesser joy.
All lessons will be repeated until they are mastered. They may be repeated in various guises, and they may be presented more than one at a time. Some prerequisite lessons must be mastered in order to receive other lessons.
Graduation from this program is called death. The lessons will continue until that time. Not all will have achieved the same degree at graduation.
Whether you call it heaven or hell, here and there are quite the same, even though “there” will frequently look better than “here.”
You have been issued a measure of free choice. You may waste it trying to change the unchangeables (givens) or spend it productively. You may use it to focus your will on any area, but if you focus too intently, it may be blinding. You have been issued the necessary talents to accomplish some purpose. It is for you to discover these and it.
Be careful with your beliefs. It is not obvious at first how potent this form of focus is in blinding one to the manifold and paradoxical, i.e. there are no simple solutions.
You will need to develop strength, motivation, and a sense of humor. These will sustain you as your lessons wear on you.
Every decision on your part will include, in addition to the main outcome, a number of ancillary trade-offs. This is because of the interconnectedness (wholeness) of everything. Such trade-offs may necessitate acquiring the skill of compromise. Life is not necessarily fair.
Unless you become comfortable with yourself — knowing yourself fully — you will project you fears, hates and faults onto others. They will become mirrors of yourself reflecting back what you deny or will not face in yourself.
Your lessons have a time limit. The clock is ticking. Your performance in the program is being recorded. It will all go on your permanent record. That record may be erased if you are willing to erase both debits and credits. Life does not have to be personal.
Lessons will be subtle and manifold. You will misunderstand them at first. You will need to be persistent and thorough.
You will find there are no universal Truths, only love is universal — Unconditional Love. Everything else you will find is relative.
You will find that your person has many levels. Some levels will hold some beliefs, while other levels may hold diametrically opposite beliefs. You will ultimately have to engender unity.
Be aware that you cannot get more out of life then you put into it. Also, growth necessitates the existence of change in the world.
While our paths may be different, we are all related. All of us two-legged, four-legged, winged, creepy, green, stone, etc. are in this together. You may help one another. You may find harmony.
While you have been given all this before, and you understand your predicament, and your responsibility, you will want none of it. You will hide from it, and deny it. When the going gets tough you will whine and forget to rely on your heart and what it knows.
This should be sufficient to start you on your way.
You may add as many pages to this as you wish along the way.