Yuchi Spiritual Lexicon

The Priests:

Iniha (Algonquin usage)  ---  Iniha carries the meaning of "people of the true ceremony"  in Yuchi.
Micco (Muskogean)  ---  Nekho means :to open up belief" in Yuchean.
Yoholo (Muskogean) -- Yuhochine means "medicine song" in Yuchean. Yoholo means singer in Creek.

AniKutani (Cherokee) -- Khutane means "to make brothers" in Yuchean. Ani means people
in Cherokee. Khotane in Yuchean is a small portal/keyhole, the ogee.

Shawaeno (various)  --  Shawaeno means "snake/eagle/moon spirit" in Yuchean and refers to priests
in general.
Ispogogee (various) -- Ispogogee means dark-horned giant in Yuchean and is a general reference to
the original priests.
Choyaha (Yuchi) --- Tsoyaha (Sun-fire people)

Yatiti  (Yuchi)  --- Fire cross
Yati (Yuchi) --- Fire

Yatiki (Yuchi) --- Translator/Interpreter (Literally: Fire Receiver)
Yustafawaeno (Yuchi) -- upper spirit
Coweta  (white town name)  -- Co weta means Hawk-man in Yuchean, a princible symbol and priest.
ha'goweta means " to fast" in Yuchean.
Echota  (white town name)  --- E tsho ta means "sacred tobacco fire" in Yuchean.
Canasauga (white town name) --  Caeno Sauga means eagle-bear.
Tsopathla (Chief, in Yuchi) --- Tso pa thla means "great sacred or Sun chief" literally.
Gohanesha (Yuchi)  --- Go Ha Ne Xa means "ancestors" -- people that have passed.
Gohantone (Yuchi)  --  The deity -- Breathmaster (Lit: person controls breath)
Yuda  (Yuchi)  --  Yuda means pipe. Yudaha (pipepeople) is the clan call.
EE  (Yuchi)  ---  ii means tobacco/ blood.
Chodasha (Yuchi) --  Tsodasha -- an herb: Life Everlasting or rabbit tobacco (Polycephallium sp.)
Lit: "Sacred fire quick".
Choshata (Yuchi)  --- Tsoxata -- an herb: Praire willow (Salix humilis).
Fadae (Yuchi)  --  Fadae -- an herb: Button Snakeroot ( Eryngium yuccifolium).
Dae  (Yuchi) --  Dae -- an herb/tree: Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana).
Choso (Yuchi) --- Tsoso -- an herb: Horsemint (Bergamot) (Monarda fistulosa).
Josene (Yuchi)  ---- Tsosene -- an herb: Spicebush (Lindera benzoin).
Chochubyoto (Yuchi) --- Tsochubyoto  -- an herb Jimsee root or Jimsom weed (Datura stramonium).
Chotho (Yuchi)  --- Tsotho -- corn  --- tsothohitsa (Greencorn).
Eyapenetsee (Yuchi) -- ii ya pe net sii (Greencorn Ceremony) tobacco/blood, orate, smoke/drink.
Yashayawa  (Yuchi)  --  yaxayaewa means arbor (seating structure on the squareground).
SaeSaehe (Yuchi) --  Squareground
Ya tci ki  (Yuchi)  -- Poleboy (translator -- tree receiver -- tree be/go hand) Yaxdjiki see Yudjiha
Yasee  (Yuchi)  --- yasi   device: switch used by poleboy (lit: tree-pieces)
Khyagoha laka (Yuchi)  -- Crane feather 
YaDiDa (Yuchi) --- device: Drum
Tha pa ne (Yuchi) -- device: Rattle
Get i ne (Yuchi) -- device: Scratcher
Yas aege si sine (Yuchi) -- device: Walking stick or staff.
Sot'adax'i chata'a  (Yuchi)  --- Great Lizard (Dinosaur) a threat

© 2010 David Hackett (Woktela)

"Yuchean as a Tool of Understanding
Indigenous Southeastern Culture