Additional support for Yu being a morpheme denoting significance or noteworthiness -- and perhaps greatness.

Yuso  -- Polecat, skunk, wherein so means stink, and yuso means "significant stink."

Yuti -- Fool, wherein tixa means liar or to lie, and yuti means a significant liar.

Yuxa -- happy, merry, well, wherein xa means future, ball game, and xa'a means sunshine (big future).

Yuxu -- to shake (rattle), wherein xuxu means cricket or cicada from their sound.  It should be noted how much the turtleshell rattles sound like the cicadas during dancing.

Yudowu -- town, wherein dowu means authority, appoint, permission, therefore a town is "significant authority."

Already noted: Yuba (yupa) -- high or mountain, wherein ba means climb, so yuba means a "significant climb."

Yuda -- pipe, wherein da means fire or to light, so yuda would be a "significant fire." Also note that the clan call is yudaha (pipe-people).

Also of note: the derivations of house and squareground: Yuhe -- house or home, yuhe'a or yue'a (big house), and squareground -- S'a sa he or yu ahe (yu'a'e).  (he -- head, therefore yuhe is "significant head??")

Yuhepe  --  Boat, as in "house-drinks" also strange -- yuhe'a (bighouse??) or yuhe!'e

Yugo!ta  -- grow ("go upward")

Yuxe  -- sick, wherein xe means dead or die.

Yufala -- Way or path of significance &  Yuxt'a  --- road, trail

Yuhulene  --  Exchange, trade

A further search of words wherein the prefix morpheme Yu is used to underscore that the meaning is to call further attention to the import of the succeeding morpheme. These additional terms further confirm the use of Yu as a morpheme to flag a significance or noteworthiness. One can easily use the term "great" as a substitute for Yu and see the general idea of the morpheme's use. It should be further noted, as well,  that these words all have a high level of significance to the Yuchi and their culture.

© 2010 David Hackett (Woktela)

"The Spirit is Willing and the Culture is Confirming"